Parent Night Out Participant

Title: Parent Night Out Participant

To enjoy 10 nights out each year with your spouse and provide childcare 2 nights per year so others can go out for the evening.

Responsible to: Other members and coordinator of the PNO group.

Description of Duties:
Work PNO 2 Fridays per year from 5:45- 9:45

Attend training in January

*Time Requirements: Work 2 times per year 5:45-9:45. Preparation includes planning an activity or providing a drink or snack.

Term: One year

Training and Resources:
Training provided by coordinator in January.

Skills and gifts: Compassion, helps and hospitality

Benefits to one serving in this role: Getting to know the families of our community.
Enjoy 10 nights out each year without worrying about child care.

Completed by/date: Suzanne Sharpe 5/27/2009